Encouraging programs to document what(ever) they are doing

A couple of the programs I’ve been working with have sent exhibits along with their reports — materials that I had no idea existed (like course rubrics based on the CITR).

Regardless of whether or not a program uses a template or other shared space, I’m thinking we should encourage them to document what they are doing somehow, somewhere.  Among other carrots: It will help them write the next report.

It could be as simple as a threaded discussion somewhere, where people add very short summaries of what assessment work is discussed and done when.  Encourage regular documentation / communication of some kind.

Creating collaboration spaces for programs

Creating collaboration spaces for programs Discussions are ongoing, but converging on the specifics of the web tools we need to support this work.

The Showcase is already in development at https://universityportfolio.wsu.edu/2009-2010/Pages/default.aspx
It is intended to be a public space with harvesting feedback on program studies. Its also turning into a kind of portfolio of our efforts https://universityportfolio.wsu.edu/2009-2010/_layouts/viewlsts.aspx

The Workspace, Assessment.wsu.edu is still being discussed, especially what template to offer, and what other aspect of the terms of service need to be decided.  One of those issues is who is authorized to manage permissions, and if we don’t want programs with that authority, how they can manage some authority self-service. Permissioning an AD group that the program manages is the path we are adopting, with wrinkles, such as this below

—— Forwarded Message
From: Joshua Yeidel
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 13:41:53 -0800
To: OAI messages
Subject: FW: [sharepointdiscussions] RE: AD Groups vs SP Groups

In the Rain King Design meeting today we discussed program workspaces in
assessment.wsu.edu.  The notion was put forward that we would control
SharePoint permissions in the spaces, but add a program-managed Active
Directory group as “contributor”.  Then the program would add or remove
people to/from that group via AD to manage their access to the workspace.

This note from a SharePoint consultant mentions one consideration for that
scheme.  To see who is or is not a contributor, we will have to look in
SharePoint _and_ view the AD group in an Active Directory browser such as
“Active Directory Users and Groups” on Windows.  I don’t think that’s a
fatal flaw in the scheme, but we should be aware of it.

—— End of Forwarded Message

AD Groups vs SP Groups

—–Original Message—–
From: Yeidel, Joshua
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:42 PM
To: OAI.Personnel
Subject: FW: [sharepointdiscussions] RE: AD Groups vs SP Groups

In the Rain King Design meeting today we discussed program workspaces in
assessment.wsu.edu.  The notion was put forward that we would control
SharePoint permissions in the spaces, but add a program-managed Active
Directory group as “contributor”.  Then the program would add or remove
people to/from that group via AD to manage their access to the

This note from a SharePoint consultant mentions one consideration for
scheme.  To see who is or is not a contributor, we will have to look in
SharePoint _and_ view the AD group in an Active Directory browser such
“Active Directory Users and Groups” on Windows.  I don’t think that’s a
fatal flaw in the scheme, but we should be aware of it.

— Joshua

—— Forwarded Message
From: “Daniel A. Galant”
Reply-To: “sharepointdiscussions@yahoogroups.com”

Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 09:40:59 -0800
To: “sharepointdiscussions@yahoogroups.com”

Subject: [sharepointdiscussions] RE: AD Groups vs SP Groups

When using AD groups to control access to SharePoint there are a few
to consider. SharePoint does not expand or display the AD group
so in SharePoint you will not know who you have given access to.

—— End of Forwarded Message

Comment added to original post

Email to SP groups which contain AD groups

From Leonil Brandel <leonil.brandel@cityofhenderson.com> via sharepointdiscussions@yahoo.com

In addition, another thing to consider when nesting AD groups in
Sharepoint groups is workflows.

Workflows will not be able to distribute email to the members of the AD
group unless the AD Group is email enabled (email address needs to be
assigned to it).  On top of that, if a distribution list is nested in
the AD group, the workflow emails will fail.  The members HAD to be
individual users, not a Distribution List.  I did notice alerts play
nice with AD groups nested in Sharepoint groups.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?

For our current Rain King purposes, the important part is that alerts “play nice”.  However, we should be aware of the other findings in case we extend beyond alerts into workflows.
— Joshua

Storing drafts of December Planning documents

We are starting to collect documents for review
https://universityportfolio.wsu.edu/2009-2010/December Planning/Forms/AllItems.aspx

It has me thinking about how we track the portfolio of our own work

I just read a draft for a program. I uploaded the document as submitted to me and then used Word’s comment features to make a new version that I sent back to the program and also uploaded for posterity.

I noticed that Josh’s work with the folders and columns in this document library lets us set the ‘Review Status’ of the individual documents. This is great because I see how we might end up with several documents in one folder and only one should be considered for final review. That document would be individually marked ‘Ready’ for review.

Request for status update on ITS plans for hosting SharePoint sites for programs

Request for status update on ITS plans for hosting SharePoint sites for programs

From: Clizer, Arlo
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:24 PM
To: Peterson, Nils
Cc: Brown, Gary; Lo, Corinna; Maynard, Ryan
Subject: RE: Request for status update on ITS plans for hosting SharePoint sites for programs

At this point I cannot commit ITS to expanded hosting of SharePoint sites. I can, however, tell you that virtual machine hosting by ITS will likely be a reality in the new year.

From: Peterson, Nils
Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 11:40 AM
To: Clizer, Arlo
Cc: Brown, Gary
Subject: Request for status update on ITS plans for hosting SharePoint sites for programs


As OAI (formerly CTLT) continues to move out of the serving/hosting business, we need to shut down our aging SharePoint plant. Departments with whom we collaborate need to migrate from the spaces we host, where they are now collaborating.

We are reluctant to recommend Departments use mySite.wsu because those spaces are associated with an individual, rather than with a program.

We would like to be able to recommend that a Department approach ITS to obtain a SharePoint site, establishing a Service Agreement with you. OAI would play no role managing these sites, but would play roles as invited guests collaborating.

Can you help me understand if this is possible?


Google Wave unifies Workspace and Showcase Portfolios

Google Wave was just announced at the Google I/O conference, video here. At minute 27:00 to 31:00 you will see a segment with important implications for the conversation we have been having with Helen Barrett about Showcase vs Workspace ePortfolios. Our original, and her graphic.  What seems to be important about Google Wave is the way it is a PLE and by adding new reviewers of some works, a showcase as well.  This could address the challenge of making showcases which might have otherwise been an aftertthought to the actual work.

The ability to imbed a Wave in another environment, such as a blog, could be used to quickly publish work items and invite wider communities to engage with them.

The survey tool shown later in the demo appears to be able to integrate with other aspects of a document, and if so, and if the survey tool is rich enough, might provide the embedded feedback for at least the author’s use as a harvesting gradebook.